Semester Reflections

     I have enjoyed this semester working with the Foothills students, because I was able to see another alternative version of education. I think it is important that, as educators, we get outside of the limiting box that we can be confined to because of our own education where school is concerned. I don't think I ever really gave night school a thought before this semester; now I have seen firsthand the benefits it affords students. Although it may not still be my preferred method of learning, I can understand how this is the best options for some students. For these students, this small alternative-style school provides the necessary supported needed to help them succeed, such as one-on-one instruction with a teacher, flexible hours, and pacing geared towards every individual student. 
   As a future teacher I think that it is important that I had the opportunity to experience this kind of classroom. It can serve as a reminder to me that some students do not function as well as others in a traditional classroom setting. For the students that I may have like this, I can make sure to take the time to talk with them and discuss what they need from me as their teacher so that I can support them to the best of my abilities. I have seen the benefits of conferences; before this experience I wanted to incorporate them into my classroom, but now I especially want to. 
    I think this experience reminded me of the last book my book club read for the class: Francisco Cantu's The Line Becomes a River. While it is about the border and immigration, which is something I did not see at Foothills, I think the concept still remains the same. Cantu, a border patrolman for four years, wanted to see what it was like at the border. He says in the book that he grew tired of studying it in his classes and never actually experiencing what it is like out there. I think this mentality can be brought to teaching. Instead of acting a if the classroom is for me, I need to adapt my teaching, my materials, and my methods to my students. This involves getting to know them, caring about their thoughts and opinions, and changing if what I am doing is not reaching every student. It is about them knowing they can count on you to be there for them and help them. Hopefully my classroom will become a place where the boundaries placed on students and their abilities will be weakened. I want my classroom to be a place where the students are comfortable: where they can be themselves. I don't want to be trapped in the box of the structure of school; this might hinder my students. I want to make my classroom a place where students can openly share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions. I want to be the teacher that helps my students succeed. I want my classroom to be a place where the students are comfortable: where they can be themselves. I don't want to be trapped in the box of the structure of school; this might hinder my students. 


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