
Showing posts from 2018

Semester Reflections

     I have enjoyed this semester working with the Foothills students, because I was able to see another alternative version of education. I think it is important that, as educators, we get outside of the limiting box that we can be confined to because of our own education where school is concerned. I don't think I ever really gave night school a thought before this semester; now I have seen firsthand the benefits it affords students. Although it may not still be my preferred method of learning, I can understand how this is the best options for some students. For these students, this small alternative-style school provides the necessary supported needed to help them succeed, such as one-on-one instruction with a teacher, flexible hours, and pacing geared towards every individual student.     As a future teacher I think that it is important that I had the opportunity to experience this kind of classroom. It can serve as a reminder to me that some students...

Wednesday, April 25th (4-7)

All staff and students have pseudonyms . 3:55pm        Mrs. Brighten and I are the only people in the classroom. She asks me about my classes and major. She says, "If you're going to teach, it's like planning a party every day and then doing it all over again." I suppose that's a pretty accurate picture that I've seen so far in the year that I've done service learning in an elementary school, two middle schools, and now a night school. I ask her if Foothills is free or if the students' families have to pay. She says that it is free just like a public school, unless a student has to retake a class. She tells me that she's loved working here even though it is a very different environment for a teacher accustomed to a classroom setting. 4pm     There are 6 students in the classroom; some more come in. There is a focus on writing tonight, as there are about 3 students that need help with their essays. Dr. Meyer and Ms. Mills are also here no...

Thursday, April 19th (4-6)

All staff and students have pseudonyms.  4pm     Someone comes in and tells me that I'm in charge until an English teacher gets here. She tells me that they're understaffed so Mr. Jackson is helping her with registration in the front. I tell her that I can do that.     Two students come in and Mrs. Smith, the CCHS math teacher, is still here collecting her things before leaving for the night. I tell the two students, Deanna and Anna, that we don't have Chromebooks yet since there's no teacher in the room yet. Anna tells me that she just saw Mr. Meyer in the foyer with the Chromebooks.     Dr. Meyer comes in; she says, "I'm glad you're here since Mr. Jackson is up front."     After a few minutes, Mr. Jackson comes in and sets his bag and coffee down in front of the teacher desktop computer that he normally uses; Mrs. Brighten comes in and we all say hello to one another.     There are 7 students in the room now; two on Chrome...

Wednesday, April 18th (4-6)

All staff and students have pseudonyms.  4pm     Ms. Mills is here, already in the room. Three students come in. Dr. Meyer comes in. Mrs. Brighten comes in also. There are 4 students already in the classroom when I walk in, working on computers. Ms. Mills looks through the IEPs for a student; they discuss what she sees on it.      The teachers get the Chromebooks ready for students by plugging them in and setting them on the table on one of the tables. A student comes up to Dr. Meyer and asks her if she can give her access to a quiz she failed. Dr. Meyer asks her if she would like to take it with her this time. She says yes.       Ms. Mills tells a student, Kevin, that he can ask for my help if he needs it. He sits at the desktop computer beside the teacher's computer where Ms. Mills sits. She tells me that he can be a "perfectionist," so he rarely needs help.       Ms. Mills tells me that she may print...

Wednesday, April 3rd (4-6)

All staff and students have pseudonyms. 4pm     Deanna is back today, along with Ms. Mills and 3 other students that are familiar to me. Deanna wants to work on a Chromebook just like last time; the other students are working on desktop computers. More students come in and a teacher I learn is Mrs. Brighten leave the room. There is a new student that comes and Ms. Mills gives him a spiral notebook to take notes from the lessons in. Another student comes in that I've seen before, Phil. He sits beside Ms. Mills. There are 8 students in the classroom now.        Dr. Meyer comes in; Ms. Mills and Mrs. Brighten talk about something from a previous night that I wasn't here. A another student that I remember from last Tuesday is working on 10th grade Lit. He is doing a lesson on dashes, hyphens, and parentheses. There are now 9 students in the classroom. Mrs. Brighten and Dr. Meyer are talking about schedules. Ms. Mills reminds the students about the no...

Thursday, March 29th (4-6)

All staff and students have pseudonyms.  3:55pm       I walk into Mrs. Smith's classroom; there is no one else inside the room. The woman from the small Foothills sign-in room comes to the door. She tells me that there is no English teacher here yet so I am in charge since I'm the only one. I tell her, from my inquiries two days ago, that Dr. Meyer said she would be here. The woman says okay and leaves the room. From my position at the table I'm sitting at, she stops another teacher in the hallway. The woman asks her if she is working Foothills this evening; the teacher replies that she is not but if they are short-staffed she would. They both head back down the hallway out of my sight and hearing.  4pm      Dr. Meyer comes in the room with Chromebooks and a rolling bag. She puts everything on the table she uses sits at. Two students come in the room and sit down at desktop computers. Dr. Meyer gets out her own laptop as another student...

Tuesday, March 27th (4-6)

All staff and students have pseudonyms  3:5 0pm           I walk into CCHS and sign in at the Foothills office. The woman inside asks me if I need to go to English and reminds me that the classroom I need to be in for English says Smith above the door. Before I leave she says that she doesn't know if Mr. Dodd, the instructor I worked with before, is here today. I thank her and walk to the first classroom down the hall on the left.           I walk into the math classroom, and the only person in there is Mrs. Smith, the math teacher during the regular school hours of CCHS. She is busy gathering papers, binders, and other items she wants to take home. We exchange hellos as I sit down at a table, the view in front of me the classroom.           A woman with a binder and a cup comes in the classroom. She is a Foothills teacher that I have not met yet. She says hello to Ms. Smith and sets her things at a des...

Thursday, Februrary 8th (4-6)

All staff and students have pseudonyms.    3:50pm          As I walk into CCHS on Thursday February 8th, I see about 5 students waiting in the lobby of the school. Since this is my first visit, I try to go to the front office; after explaining that I'm a tutor for Foothills, the receptionist unlocks one of the glass doors to the hallway for me. I go to the door labeled "Foothills;" the woman that I met last week is inside. I remind her about who I am, and she allows me to sign in with the notebook that contains a sheet for each tutor. After completing that, she tells me that I'm early, and that Mr. Dodd., one of the Foothills English teachers, will be here shortly; I wait standing in the hall, unsure what to do. In a few moments, a man in a button-down and khakis comes to the little office. The woman introduces us; this is Mr. Dodd. We head to a classroom down the hallway.          We enter one of CCHS's math classrooms loc...

Service Learning as a Teacher Candidate

     Currently, I am a junior in the first semester of the English Education program at UGA. I have learned more about education in the last month of school than I thought possible. I know the long journey of discovering who I am as a teacher is still ahead of me, and I think this course will play a major part. Although I have been in two service learning courses previous to this one, I am excited about this specific service learning experience. In this class, I have the opportunity to work with high school students: something I have been waiting for since the day I decided I wanted to be an English teacher. In the past, I have experienced an elementary school with my educational psychology course and a middle school in a Shakespeare service learning course. Right now, I work with middle-schoolers as a part of the Teaching Writing cohort course. I have never been inside a high school with the purpose of learning for my teacher education. Additionally, I am excited that t...